Saturday, 20 August 2016

The Moment of Truth

This week has been full of different appointments that would shape the rest of Dylan's treatment and his future..

Monday was the usual blood tests in preparation for chemotherapy week. 

Tuesday was the start of chemotherapy this week which included a dose of both vincristine and cytarabine. He wasn't too bad until 3am and then the fever started! Low grade at first 37.5 then 37.8 and eventually settled back down to 37.3

Wednesday was CT scan day!! The moment we had been looking forward to but also dreading! He was so good in the scanner lying still and holding his breath and the results.. well they were absolutely amazing! This means the chemo is working!! It is due to be reviewed soon so he may be able to go onto lower doses. It also stands us in good stead for our GOSH appointment next week.

He also had a fever when arrived of 38 but it soon came down to 36. Because of how it was only spiking and not staying high the general consensus is that it is chemo related now but of course they cannot risk just assuming that. We got home from our appointments by 3pm but by 5pm his temperature was on the climb again peaking at 40 so of course that meant back to the QMC we went!! They gave him IV paracetamol and then a further dose of oral paracetamol the following morning at 5am but then his temperature subsided and didn't return suggesting a reaction to his chemo again as we thought.

Thursday morning we got the okay to leave the ward and go to Dylan's clinic appointment about his steroids. A test was arranged on the ward that would tell us if his body is producing it's own steroids still or if it has stopped with being on them for so long and at such high doses at points. If his body is producing his own still it will mean he can stop taking them daily. If not he will have to move on to a different type and we will be trained on how to administer an emergency injection to boost his system if he became very unwell. We haven't had the results yet which concerns me that it may be the latter of the two options as the doctor did say she would phone me if he could stop taking them.

Back on the ward one of the doctors was concerned his infection markers were a little elevated in his blood work, but he had just had a cold and was still recovering. We assumed we were staying in another night! However late afternoon one of the consultants discharged us. There was also no word on blood cultures which after 48 hours means they were all clear.

We are especially glad to be home in time for a family wedding this weekend! Have a good one everybody <3