Thursday, 21 January 2016

Christmas 2015

Christmas eve we travelled down to London to visit my husband's family and exchange gifts. Dylan had developed a tickly dry cough two days before but nothing chesty sounding and he was happy and cheerful so we weren't concerned at all..

We arrived shortly before lunchtime, Dylan seemed tired but soon cheered up with some food and present exchanging. He was a little grumpier than usual on the way home and soon fell asleep.

Once we arrived home we did all our Christmas eve family traditions, leaving treats for Santa and Rudolph, sprinkling the reindeer dust, putting on new pyjamas and having a snack. Dylan didn't want his snack and got upset and made himself a little sick, but that wasn't overly unusual as he often did that. He went to bed excited to be moving into his big brother's bedroom and his new bed, and he slept fantastically.

Christmas morning was magical, he seemed happy and full of delight, opening all his presents with extreme concentration and taking the time to enjoy it all. Unlike his brother who just torn into everything at the speed of light!

Dylan went for a little nap before lunchtime as we were due to visit my parents that afternoon and I knew it'd mean a late night. When he woke up from his nap something just wasn't right..

His breathing seemed laboured, he didn't want his lunch and was tearful and distressed. I dropped him and Daddy off at the local Walk In Clinic and started to drive Bryce to my parents, I didn't even get quarter of the way before my phone rang...

His oxygen levels were dangerously low so they were taking him to the hospital in an ambulance. I quickly dropped Bryce at his grandparents and rushed to meet my husband.

They suspected a bad chest infection or pneumonia, however, a chest xray soon revealed something more serious. Dylan had a spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung). We were transferred to the QMC in Nottingham so they could put in a chest drain in theatre. Another xray showed abnormalities on his lung, but further investigations had to wait until his lung was healed...

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