Thursday, 20 October 2016

Wishing The Days Away vs Wishing Time Would Stand Still

Today marks six months without a chest drain... yep you did read that correctly, six whole months! I remember posting the photograph on Facebook and wondering if we could manage more than the 24 hours we had previously during that admission. His overall record since this all started though was just 14 days and now here we are!!

Every single day that goes by is a huge milestone and blessing for us and I find myself sometimes wishing time away, counting down to the next milestone and clock watching..

One of the things I've found about raising a child with a chronic and potentially life threatening illness is trying to find that balance between wishing time would stand still so you can cherish every second with them, and wishing the days by faster so you can get to the next milestone, the next good result, the next treatment that brings the end of treatment that one bit closer, and hopefully that date where the illness is gone!

No parent wants their children to grow up and we love them being small.. but when you had been told your child had no future and then suddenly they have their whole life ahead of them again you just can't wait to see what kind of life they'll lead and what type of person they will be.

This week is Chemotherapy week again and today was day three of four.. once tomorrow's dose is done that will leave us with another three rounds in left in 2016. Thankfully the Hydrocortisone seems to be doing its job again with only low grade fever last night at points. We have also had a bit of a scare regarding Dylan being in contact with chicken pox at nursery though so we are more on edge with checking him than usual. He starts a course of antibiotics for that tomorrow to hopefully cover him from the exposure. Chicken pox can be dangerous whilst undergoing chemotherapy as it can be harder to fight off and progress to pneumonia so we are hopeful for him to avoid all that as we don't know how his lungs would cope.

Sometimes it's important to live in the moment, take deep breaths and just get on with life trying not to worry about all the obstacles you may or may not face. It's far easier said than done, but whilst you're busy worrying about the future or focusing on the past you are missing out on the present, and that is exactly what it is.. each second is a gift!


  1. hi, i just read about Dylan's story at Dylan still having seizures and cancer ?

    you might like to look at Lugol's iodine + selenium for the cysts......iodine is really good for cysts

    1. Hi, my apologies I have only just seen this comment. His seizure was from infection and thankfully he hasn't had anymore. The cancer should be stopped from doing any more damage from the chemotherapy but he does still have cysts left on his lungs caused by the damage the Langerhans cells made. There has been a significant decrease in the amount since March but we won't know more until next February but I shall have a look in to what you suggested, thank you.
