It's often the simple things in life that make me feel lucky, the things we often take for granted. This last two weeks there has been a lot of those moments in our house as we approach the holiday season..
We have always taken every opportunity to celebrate occasions with our children and this year has been no exception so far..
Despite not having any parties to attend and not being able to go trick or treating properly, we still managed to make the most of Halloween with a visit to a local farm's spooky trail, pumpkin picking and carving and a trip to a theme park with a trick or treat trail. We also dressed up at home and decorated the house and had 'party' food and spooky films!!
The same goes for Bonfire Night.. unfortunately we missed one display we wanted to attend and of course we have two small dogs so we wouldn't have fireworks at home. But we made chocolate apples like we have previous years (even though more expensive than just buying them it's definitely more fun) and we did go to a display near my sister and her husband's house with the family which was lovely..
Watching the kids kicking the leaves, carving pumpkins with Daddy, pulling silly faces, searching the sky for fireworks and making and munching chocolate apples makes me feel so warm inside despite the cold weather! I have moments, particularly on special days, where I look at the three of them and think how close we came to only having two children on this earth. Those thoughts use to make me sad and make me relive the awful events of Easter weekend but now they make me smile instead and all I can think is how insanely lucky I am and how much I adore those cheeky (chocolate covered) faces!
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