Sunday, 21 February 2016

Expect The Unexpected

So apparently having two 'working' chest drains in isn't enough peace of mind.. especially if the left one isn't working again at the point it is needed!.

Dylan burst another left bullae last night and the chest drain wasn't working again.. it was a slow leak luckily and got worse gradually resulting in a new drain at 3am ish. Dylan really likes keeping us on our toes and giving us sleepless nights, so the title of this blog is apt really!

They wheeled him back around to ICU to do the drain in the end as things just weren't getting done on the ward and people kept getting crossed wires or not reading all the information. We are staying on ICU/HDU until all the departments can have a meeting and sort out some strict protocols and procedures for dealing with him when he has a pneumothorax.

He is fine in himself and both drains are working nicely for the moment. Dr Spencer from GOSH is still coming Wednesday morning so tomorrow he will have all his tests in preparation for that which he won't enjoy but it has to be done!

Despite having a rough night last night he has refused to nap today and has instead spent most of the day eating! I think the steroids have well and truely given him the munchies that's for sure!

He is asleep now, hopefully he will stay settled and we will have a peaceful night fingers crossed!

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