Whilst I was at the wedding Dylan had a Hickman Line fitted and the left chest drain removed, after surgery they turned the background rate on the ventilator down and he started breathing over it. At 5pm all his sedation was stopped. At 12.30am Sunday they thought he was getting tired so they turned the background rate back up which actually woke him up fully and he tried to pull the tube out so he was extubated. He was fully "awake" and not sedated by the morning.. best Valentines Day gift ever!
He started suffering drug withdrawals.. he was very confused, shaking, hallucinating etc and got very agitated causing his breathing to become shorter which blew another bullae on his left hand side, so another drain was fitted. This time he did desaturate again but he did not need intubating and soon bounced back. They started him on medication to control his withdrawals and wean him down which seemed to work a treat!
Each day that goes on he becomes more lucid.. today he was pretty much back to his normal self except a little tearful. We have had lots of talking, eating and even some smiling!
Fingers crossed for more good days and progress!
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