Friday, 26 February 2016

Pleurodesis Take 2..

Yesterday the decision was made to fetch Dylan off his oxygen, it was clearly the right decision as it appears his sats are actually BETTER now than they were last admission which is baffling! I guess what this could mean is with all the cysts bursting and treatment going on that his lungs are working slightly better now and less 'stiff'?! Here's hoping!! Oh but doesn't he look beautiful without his nasal cannula in...

They also decided to do a double sided pleurodisis this morning at 8.30am.. this was a massive shock to us as we thought it'd be a long time before that was even discussed let alone booked in! The surgeon that did his previous one weighed in on it all and decided he would do it in the ICU department under ketamine again so not even in theatre! This again surprised us, but it is a fairly simple procedure that uses the chest drains already in place to put the solution inside the cavity, and it minimises the risks associated with his lungs and general anesthetic.

He had the procedure done and has been fantastic ever since! Minimal discomfort and happily playing away despite the chest drains. It'll take some time to see how effective it has been, but it's not like we are going anywhere any time soon! Truth be told it probably HASN'T worked as he should technically be feeling at least some discomfort and it looks like all of the solution has come back out of the lower right side drain which is frustrating. There is always the option to try again though whilst we are still here..

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