Sunday 6 March 2016

Mothers Day

This Mothers Day remember and spare a thought for the mums spending it alone for whatever reason, maybe their children are with their father for the day, maybe they have to work all day to provide for them, maybe they are sick..

The mums who have lost a child, they will probably be grieving a lot on this day in particular, no matter how recent or long ago their loss might have been and my heart truely goes out to them so much as this was very nearly me this year..

The mums with no child to call their own, they may be struggling with infertility, they may have lost a baby or child, they may just be carrying their first baby.. None of this means they aren't a mother in their hearts and that they don't long for a little voice calling 'Mum' especially today.

The mums who've spent sleepless nights in hospital beds and chairs either unwell or caring for unwell family. They will feel drained, they might feel unwashed, they might not have eaten in hours and just be desperate for a 5 minute shower or a hot cup of tea! (This is the category I fall in to this morning, I've barely slept and not eaten since yesterday lunchtime and a shower would be a luxury right now!)

The children without mums, when all their friends are making Mothers Day cards at school it makes this particularly hard at this time of year. Those who never knew their mums and don't have any memories to look back on today. Those grieving for their mums, they may have lost them recently or many years ago, it doesn't matter, it never heals..

The single mums that do the job of mum and dad, especially if their little ones are too young to make them a card or gift, as they probably feel lonely, unappreciated and miserable today. If you know a mum like this in your life please just send them a text or anything to wish them a nice day.

The step mums taking on the responsiblity of mum, sometimes for the first time, sometimes full time, sometimes part time. They may feel like the 'bad guy' or they may be struggling to build a relationship and getting to know their new family.

The foster mums whom may only have children in their life for brief periods at a time and may have an empty house and heart this Mothers Day.

The adoptive mums who did not carry their child in their tummy, but rather their heart. Those whose adopted children have grown up and sought out their birth parents, I hope they don't forget about the parents who raised them today.

The dads who also fill the role of mum for whatever reason, full time or part time. They may not get appreciated at all today.. but guys you do an amazing job! Too many dads get a bad reputation when their are some fantastic ones out there that deserve credit. (I'm looking at you here Hubby) 

The grandparents raising their grandchildren. The aunties, uncles, sisters, brothers that all help out raising children whom no longer have their parents around or are needing extra support during tough times.

But most of all, have a wonderful day, hopefully spending it with people you love and remember that the greatest gifts are not 'things' but more moments and memories to cherish <3

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