Saturday 23 April 2016


Yesterday we had a very busy day consisting of lots of playing and painting. Dylan's oxygen also got reduced to 1ltr after physio so that was a fab step forwards. We were still maintaining good sats and still no chest drains yet, despite Mummy and Daddy being constantly on edge!

Last night Bryce stayed at the hospital with us and we had a little sleepover in our cozy private room! Dominoes pizza may have been consumed and Dylan may have been a little silly overnight and cheeky but it was all good fun..

This was done as a test run to see how well both boys behaved ready for Monday night.. Bryce wants to stay the night before Dylan's birthday so he is here when he wakes up which is super cute!

This morning Mummy had the idea of getting the ride along car that the ward has, to see if Dylan could use his feet and his legs to push himself. He hasn't been strong enough to really stand properly yet but we knew his sitting up was good so I thought this would be a good way to get his leg muscles working a bit..

He did really well.. I kept having to 'pretend' to push it for him but he managed to go across the room on it before getting a bit tired out. He had been up at 5am though playing so he needed a well deserved nap!!

As I type this he still has no chest drains in yet, that is a whopping 77 hours so far with none which is an amazing victory, and it's also our longest time on the ward without a trip to ICU since February 10th! He is also now on under 0.5ltr of oxygen and saturating nicely maintaining approx 98 at rest.

Mummy is busy at home tonight starting the epic process of baking his birthday cake and wrapping the last of his presents ready for Tuesday <3

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