Friday 17 June 2016

And Baby Makes Three (Boys)..

A few people wondered why we didn't attend playgroup on Wednesday.. don't worry nothing was wrong with Dylan we simply had other plans....

Our third and final boy (Logan Michael Askin) was born on 15th June at 11:43 weighing 7lb8oz making our family complete. I had known my section date since my hospital admission the other week but wanted to keep things quiet for a number of reasons so please forgive us..

1. Everything with Dylan has been so much in the public eye since February in particular because of how rare his disease is and how publicly he collapsed at playgroup so we wanted some private family time.
2. My sister was out of the country on her honeymoon and even though she knew my date I didn't know how quickly she would pick up notifications or picture messages on the day because of the time difference.
3. We wanted the boys to meet their little brother first before photos circulated online, they have both had such a rough time lately being apart and then this whole new person was entering their lives and we hadn't had a great deal of time to prepare them like we did last time around.
4. We didn't know if my preeclampsia would cause issues beforehand and whether I would have to be taken in earlier or whether there would be complications after the birth.
5. Dylan may have had issues prior to the birth such as a collapsed lung or infection etc. then plans would have obviously changed again.
6. I felt uneasy about the csection, I never actually wanted one it was suggested for medical reasons due my placenta abrupting with Dylan but the idea petrified me. I remember the epidural not working with Dylan and being able to feel everything then being given a general anaesthetic not even knowing if my son was alive still or not. The thought of the surgery itself and my PTSD from last time almost put us off having a third child and it took a lot of discussion before we decided to try and conceive again, then of course Dylan's illness threw a spanner in the works and added in more stress and worry than we had ever dreamed of!
7. This was chemo week for Dylan and he hadn't reacted very well to it this time around so we were worried about him and didn't want any extra visitors to overwhelm him or upset him even more than he already was.

We hope you understand our reasons behind the secrecy! Both boys adore their new brother which is so lovely.

Dylan has been a bit unsettled with me being away in the hospital and he hasn't had a good week with regards to his chemo this week either. He is very tired and achy from it and unfortunately it all hindered the results of the sleep study he had done on Wednesday evening so that will be repeated again at some point next week.

I can't imagine my life without these three beautiful boys right now and I pray that is something we never have to face the possibility of again..

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